Monday, July 12, 2010

10 de Julho de 2010 - Optimus Alive (Pearl Jam!)

Yes I understand that every life must end...
As we sit alone, I know someday we must go...
I’m a lucky man to count on both hands
The ones I love...
Some folks just have one,
Others they got none...
Stay with me...
Let’s just breathe.
Practiced are my sins,
Never gonna let me win...
Under everything, just another human being...
Yeh, I don’t wanna hurt, there’s so much in this world
To make me bleed.
Stay with me...
You’re all I see.
Did I say that I need you?
Did I say that I want you?
Oh, if I didn’t now I’m a fool you see...
No one knows this more than me.
As I come clean.
I wonder everyday as I look upon your face...
Everything you gave
And nothing you would take...
Nothing you would take....
Everything you gave.
Did I say that I need you?
Oh, Did I say that I want you?
Oh, if I didn’t now I’m a fool you see...
No one know this more than me.
As I come clean.
Nothing you would tak...
everything you gave.
Hold me till I die...
Meet you on the other side.
(Just Breathe - Pearl Jam)
Quando as letras, a música, a voz ou o ambiente de um concerto nos consegue emocionar e nos consegue lembrar tantas boas coisas, tantos bons momentos... Quando olhamos para trás e percebemos que algumas daquelas músicas preencheram parte da nossa vida, de bocados do nosso dia a dia... Quando isso acontece, estamos perante um grande grupo e muito boa música. Uma noite fantástica, em boa companhia, repleta de emoções. OH IIIIIIIII.... OHHHHH.... I'M STILL ALIVE!...
Optimus Alive 2010


a ortónima said...

gostei imenso!
e adorei ver-te. desculpa ter descarregado em ti as ansiedades do dia... :S fez-me tão bem esse abraço*

Anonymous said...

a mim tb me cairam as lagrimas nesta musica... valem muito os momentos passados a ouvi-los andreia